Test Project : Include the mock object for Android's object, and also test the key objects : Activity and Service. in the other way, it's support emma(the code coverage tool for test case). the usage step show as follow:
- android create test-project -m ../MyAndroidProject-n MyTestProject -p MyActivityTest
- ant emma debug install test #Run the test case on debug build with code coverage analysis
UI Test : It's new feature in Android SDK 16 and high. it can write the script(Java) to control the UI Components( for example: click button, swipe list view and press the back key). looks like it's not support dragging touch event. the usage step show as follow:
- android create uitest-project -n my_ui_test_project -t 1 -p my_ui_test_project_folder
- ant build
- adb push bin/my_ui_test_project.jar /usr/local/tmp/
- adb shell
Monkey : Send bunch of key/touch event into Application.
example : adb shell monkey -p com.yourpakcagename.app -v 50000 (send the number of events)
In the future work, we can integration it into the Jenkins service.